Last Step: Liability Waiver General Statement of Program Objectives and procedures: I understand that this personal training program may include exercises to build the cardiorespiratory system (heart and lungs), the musculoskeletal system, (which involves muscular endurance, strength and overall flexibility), and to improve body composition (increasing muscle and bone and decreasing body fat) Exercise includes aerobic activities, such as walking, running, bicycle riding, rowing machine, group aerobics, swimming and other aerobic activities, weight lifting using dumbbells, machines and other equipment to improve muscular strength and endurance, as well as flexibility exercises to improve joint range of motion. Description of Potential Risks: I understand that the reaction of the heart, lung, blood vessels as well as other systems to exercise cannot always be predicted with accuracy as everybody is unique and could have underlying issues. I know there is a risk of certain abnormal changes occurring during the following exercise, which include abnormalities of blood pressure or heart attacks as well as other side effects. Use of weight lifting equipment, and engaging in heavy body calisthenics may lead to musculoskeletal strains, pain and injury if adequate warm-up, gradual progression, and safety procedures are not consistently followed. I understand that Final Form Physiques or Austin Espy shall not be liable for any damages arising from personal injuries or medical issues sustained by the client while and during a personal training program and each client does so at his/her own risk. Client assumes full responsibilities for any injuries or damages which may occur during and/or after training or cardiovascular activity. I hereby fully and forever release and discharge Final Form Physiques and Austin Espy and his assigns and agents from all claims, demands, damages, rights of action, present and future therein. I understand that it has been recommended by Final Form Physiques and Austin Espy to see a primary care physician or medical professional for a full diagnosis prior to starting or continuing this coaching program. If I as the client forego this recommendation I understand Final Form Physiques and Austin Espy are not liable for any underlying issues that were not diagnosed. I understand and warrant, release and agree that I am in good physical condition and that I have no disability, impairment or ailment preventing me from engaging in active or passive exercise that will be detrimental to heart, safety, or comfort, or physical condition if I engage or participate (other than those items fully discussed on the health history form). Participant Release and Knowledge of Agreement I wish to participate in the exercise, training, and supplementation program offered by Final Form Physiques and/or Austin Espy. I understand there are inherent risks in participating in a program. Consequently, I agree that Final Form Physiques and/or Austin Espy shall not be liable or responsible for any injuries or medical issues resulting from my participation in the fitness program (whether at home, at the training studio, outdoors, or at a corporate, commercial, residential or other fitness facility) and I expressly release and discharge Final Form Physiques and/or Austin Espy from all claims, actions, judgments and the like which I or my heirs, executors, administrators or assigns may have or claim to have as a result of any injury or other damage which may occur in connection with my participation in the fitness program. This Release shall be binding upon my heirs, executors, administrators and assigns. I understand that I am not obligated to perform nor participate in any activity that I do not wish to do, and that it is my right to refuse such participation at any time. I understand that should I feel lightheaded, faint, dizzy, nauseated, or experience pain, discomfort, or any symptom that negatively impacts my day to day I will contact my coach and primary care physician. I understand the results of any fitness program cannot be guaranteed and my progress depends on my effort and cooperation in and outside of the sessions. I understand that the usage of any supplements is done so under my own will and the consultation I have with a medical professional. My coach, Austin Espy is there to make recommendations but anything I choose to engage in will be up to my own and my doctors discretion. I agree that Austin Espy and his team will not be held liable for any personal decisions I make in regards to nutrition and supplementation. I have read the foregoing information and understand it. Any questions, which may have occurred, have been answered to my satisfaction. By signing below I hereby state that Austin Espy will not be held liable for any events or actions stated above. I understand the potential risks and everything I do moving forward is by my own personal decision and I understand my coach, Austin Espy, is only here to make recommendations. I sign it voluntarily and with full knowledge of its significance.I agree to the above liability waiver(Required) Yes Please type your name here(Required) First Last Signature(Required)CommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.